Royal Seed: Committed to Sustainability through ESG Projects


Royal Seeds: Cultivating Sustainable Growth through E.S.G Principles

Royal Seeds is committed to upholding environmental, social, and governance (E.S.G) principles in all aspects of its operations. As a leading agricultural company, Royal Seeds recognizes its responsibility to protect and preserve the environment. Through sustainable farming practices, the company aims to minimize its ecological footprint, promote biodiversity, and conserve natural resources. Furthermore, Royal Seeds prioritizes social welfare by fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, ensuring fair labor practices, and actively engaging with local communities. The company also upholds strong governance standards, maintaining transparency, ethical behavior, and accountability at all levels. By integrating E.S.G principles into its core business strategies, Royal Seeds strives to create long-term value while positively impacting the environment and society as a whole.



Our Theme for the day - Sowing the Seeds for our future.The training was carried out at our

Royal Seed, ๐‚๐„๐๐“๐‘๐„ ๐Ž๐… ๐„๐—๐‚๐„๐‹๐‹๐„๐๐‚๐„! involving 15 Female Students from Kanani Girls

High School accompanied by their 5 agriculture teachers.

We partnered with East West Seed Kenya & The Amara Charitable Trust who assisted in making the event a great Success!
The focus areas of training were in-house seed-raising chambers and our internal Demonstr-ation/Trial Farm.

At the Nursery, the students got to learn about the different soilless media used for propagation and this including Peat moss & Vermiculite which we use on our site, The students were involved practically, especially in the planting part. This was important as it equipped them with the knowledge of what is happening in our world today in terms of seed raising. Farmers are setting aside conventional seed- raising methods and embarking on modern ways which are safe to use. The method ensures good germination of seeds and most importantly disease-free seedlings. The seedlings raised in a modern way donโ€™t suffer from transplanting shock as the roots are always intact, they are given the right duration to harden off before transplanting.

Royal Seed ESG project
Royal seed ESG World Environment Day

The students also got to see and learn about different crop cultivars and the duration taken by different crops to germinate in the germination room before being moved to the hardening area. They also got to learn about the purpose of the different traps we have in the Nursery (Yellow traps for white flies, blue traps for thrips, and the yellow and blue roller traps meant for the same purpose).


At the trial Field, they got to learn on;

  • Different aspects of crop growth

  • Mode of irrigation

  • Different methods of curbing crop pests

  • Harvesting of crops
    Besides the basic education, they got to learn on the economic value of different crops and how one can easily earn a living from farming. This mainly touched on lettuce whereby itโ€™s a less common produce in the market and demand is quite higher than the supply, Large- or Small- Scale farming can fetch a good price in the market,unlikethecommonvegetableseveryone grows.

    We also educated the students about the importance of conserving the environment and most importantly the importance of planting trees.


Kanani Secondary School was founded backin2013andestablishedunderanon- profitable organization known as The Amara Charitable Trust. The School has a Young Farmerโ€™s Club which has been active throughout its inception & has so far practiced farming projects such as; CABBAGE, CARROTS, TOMATOES, KALES & ONIONS.

Vision & main Objective: Empowering the Students to tap this knowledge for their future endeavors in these ever-changing ecological conditions.

What a Fantastic Day we had!

Royal Seed ESG

Title: Royal Seed Africa Empowers Education: An ESG Initiative at Olepolos Primary School


Royal Seed Africa, a leading company committed to sustainable development, recently launched a remarkable Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiative aimed at supporting less fortunate children. The focus of this project was Olepolos Primary School, a local educational institution with over 450 students. Royal Seed Africa took a significant step forward by providing 1000 exercise books, demonstrating its commitment to empowering education and fostering a brighter future for these young learners.

Empowering Education for a Brighter Future

Education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all children, regardless of their backgrounds or socio-economic status. Recognizing the importance of education as a catalyst for personal and societal growth, Royal Seed Africa initiated an ESG project that aimed to alleviate some of the challenges faced by Olepolos Primary School.

Olepolos Primary School, located in Kajiado North, serves as an educational hub for many children in the surrounding areas. However, due to limited resources, the school struggles to provide students with the necessary educational materials. Recognizing this need, Royal Seed Africa stepped in to make a meaningful difference.

Royal Seed Africa's Contribution

Through our ESG initiative, Royal Seed Africa exemplified their commitment to community development by providing over 1000 exercise books to the students of Olepolos Primary School. This significant contribution not only provided the students with a valuable learning resource but also inspired them to pursue their educational goals with renewed enthusiasm.

The provision of exercise books ensures that each student has the necessary tools to engage actively in their studies. These books serve as platforms for creativity, knowledge retention, and personal growth, enabling the students to explore their potential and expand their horizons. Royal Seed Africa's generosity has undoubtedly empowered these young learners, helping them build a solid foundation for a brighter future.

Books donated by Royal Seed
Royal Seed ESG

Impact on Olepolos Primary School

The impact of Royal Seed Africa's ESGinitiative at Olepolos Primary School extends far beyond the simple provision of exercise books. The initiative has brought about a positive transformation in the educational environment, fostering a sense of hope and resilience among the students.

With access to exercise books, the students can now fully participate in class activities, complete assignments, and engage in independent learning. This support not only enhances their academic performance but also instills a sense of self-belief and confidence in their abilities.

Moreover, the initiative has alleviated the financial burden on the school, allowing them to redirect their limited resources toward other critical areas, such as infrastructure development and teacher training. This comprehensive approach to community support exemplifies Royal Seed Africa's dedication to sustainable development and holistic impact.

Inspiring Others through Environmental, Social, and Governance 

Royal Seed Africa's ESG initiative at Olepolos Primary School serves as an inspiring example for other companies and organizations to follow. By taking concrete steps to address the educational needs of less fortunate children, Royal Seed Africa has set a precedent for corporate philanthropy and social responsibility.

Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the cycle of poverty. When companies like Royal Seed Africa step up to support education, they contribute to the long-term growth and prosperity of communities, paving the way for a brighter future.

Royal Seed ESG


Royal Seed Africa's ESG project at Olepolos Primary School stands as a testament to their commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. By providing 1000 exercise books to the students, Royal Seed Africa has demonstrated their belief in the power of education to transform lives.

Through this initiative, Royal Seed Africa has not only empowered the students of Olepolos Primary School but also inspired others to make a positive impact on society. Their commitment to the community exemplifies the potential of corporate social responsibility in creating a more equitable and prosperous world.

As we applaud Royal Seed Africa's efforts, let us all take a moment to reflect on how we, too, can contribute to empowering education and shaping a brighter future for the next generation. Together, we can make a lasting difference.


PARTNERS: Sukuma Twende Trust, Wells Fargo

DRIVING FACTORS: Area residents had been affected by the heavy rains that poured in Nov/ Dec 2019. Landslides and flash floods were experienced and residents sort refuge in near-by public schools, police stations and administration offices. Farming is the main income generating activity in this area, with a bias to onion farming. Their most preferred seed variety is Royal Seedโ€™s Red Pinoy, which performs outstandingly well amidst the harsh weather conditions. With this in mind, sharing and condoling with them in their time of need was key.

West pokot ESG Royal Seed
Pokot community ESG with Royal Seed

TARGET POPULATION: Displaced people approx. 400

WHAT WAS ACHIEVED: Donations received; Food stuffs, Clothing, Foot wear were issued to 170 people. We also issued seed gifts of kale 1000 headed to the affected families.

CHALLENGES: Accessibility of the area was difficult, due to the rough terrain and landslide aftermath. Our team managed to access the place and distributed the donation items.

CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATION: The activity was successful and attracted support from local administration, Village elders, chiefs, church elders, which shows the community accepted/ embraced the project. Arriving at this decision to conduct the ESG activity was great since thatโ€™s what the locals needed at that particular time of need.

Thanks to our partners; Sukuma Twende and Wells Fargo who supported the drive. Words canโ€™t express enough of our appreciation for your input. Service to humanity is service to God.



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